Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The Sneaky Japs

So the Japanese feel that in order to preserve depleted fish pools we should recommence whaling. Well it is good to see that they have learnt the art of nonsensical logic from their American counterparts who for the most part vehemently deny global warming as anything more than an exaggerated ploy by those that believe we should preserve this world for future generations.

It is sad to see that not only has this draw minimal protests, but they might actually eventually succeed in lifting the ban on whaling. I feel like calling the smart guy complaining about depleted fish pools in the pacific to ask him about the impact of humans. Arguably Humans contribute alot more to any depletion on the planet than a hand full of whales. There are about 6 billion of us! And only a few thousand whales...now whales do enjoy larger diners but it would make more sense to protect the fish from humans.

I thought about it and realised that with the missile standoff with North Korea and Nuclear stand off with Iran; perhaps very soon it all won't matter anyway. Being that we want guns and wars; perhaps we will succed in reducing the impact of humans...na? Somewhere along the way humanity lifted the ban on seeking wars too.

All this bodes well for the fish though...who can now swim the ocean waters hopeful that the whales and human will soon not be a problem. Problem is by the time we humans get round to annihilating eachother we would have destroyed the planet too...so fish safe but not the ocean...;-)...hehehe...

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